




FROM THE PASTOR:   Spring is just around the corner. Can you feel it???  We really have been truly blessed that our winter hasn’t been too bad, but that doesn’t mean we don’t still long for spring.   Spring brings about a sense of renewal and rebirth. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have been made new.”

Newness.   We as Christians have been made into new creatures upon conversion.   Our commitment to our Lord and Savior should feel like Spring all the time!  As we enter our Easter season, we should be reflecting on what Jesus did for us so that we could be renewed.  He gave His life for our sins.   He gave His life so we will not stand condemned before God.  He gave His life that we can live abundantly, with joy, in Him.  What have you given Him? Maybe in this new season, you could reflect on these things and make a renewed commitment to Him.   We have so much to celebrate in our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.   We are set apart for His service and that should be viewed as a privilege!  There are many ways to serve Him and if you haven’t found your niche, please see me or another brother or sister and figure out what you could be doing to further the Kingdom.   We all have a place and a purpose.  Intentionally grow this season in your faith, in your relationship with Him and in your service.

And remember these words from the famous song “Because He Lives”

“God sent His Son; they called Him Jesus. He came to love, heal and forgive.  He lived and died to buy my pardon, an empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives.  Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone.  Because I know He holds the future. And life is worth the living just because He lives.”  (You sang it didn’t you? 😊)



Kim’s Class:  We have been studying the 12 Disciples.  We have learned how unique each of them were and how very common and human they were too!  It is humbling to see how God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things!  Their lessons inspire us to be better disciples too.   After this study is complete, we will be tackling the longest chapter in the Bible…..Psalm 119.   If you don’t have a class, you are currently attending, please come and join us. There is always room at our table! If you haven’t attended either class yet, I encourage you to come join the fellowship, education and growth Sunday School provides.

Easter Lilies:   Easter lilies will be on sale for $9 starting March 5th.  We will use them to decorate the sanctuary for the Easter season and then you can take yours home.   Please see Debi if you are interested.

Lunch Bunch:  At our last outing in February at Willie’s we had 10 ladies joining in on the fun.   We decided at that gathering to meet quarterly.  Our upcoming lunches will be April, July and October.  Watch the bulletins for specific dates and locations.   As always, if you have suggestions on places to meet, please let Debi or Kim know.

Library News:  Have you read any good books lately?  If so, SHARE!   If not, come check out our library and see if you can find something.   There is a great mix in there, so you are assured to find something of interest. Also, I am looking for an area rug to put in there to bring in some- much needed color to the space.  If you have one you aren’t using, please let Kim know.

Game Nights:   COME JOIN IN ON ALL THE FUN!  We have been doing these game nights for a while now and truly have great fellowship and fun.   We have snacks and play whatever games you want.  Most often we have a table of dominos, a card game of some sort and sometimes a board game as well.   And, we are always up to learning something new!   Please MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the LAST FRIDAY of the month and come out and play!

THE PRIVILEGE OF KNOWING GOD: It is a tragedy that many people go through life without ever becoming acquainted with their Creator. To overlook that relationship is to miss the purpose for their existence and the greatest privilege available to mankind: knowing God. Even Christians can undervalue the honor of getting to know Christ more intimately.  Paul’s all-consuming passion to know God caused him to count everything else as worthless in comparison to that tremendous blessing. Though believers can accept Christ as their Savior, faithfully serve Him, and anticipate being with Him in heaven, many have no hunger to know Him right now.  How can we be satisfied with simply being saved and have so little interest in the most gratifying relationship available to us?  Pursuing Christ with passion requires sacrifice—spending time with the Lord, surrendering our will, and knowing Him through suffering.  Although salvation is a free gift and the rewards are invaluable and eternal, intimacy with God is a costly process.  Our culture floods us with distractions that can fill our minds and hearts, leaving us indifferent about developing a deeper relationship with Christ.  Some people even substitute learning facts about the Lord for knowing Him relationally. Find what is hindering your passion for God. Consider ways to carve our time each day to be alone with Him. As you go about your routine, see His guidance and listen for His voice.  You, too, will eventually count everything else as rubbish compared to knowing Christ.

Week of Prayer for North American Missions

There’s amazing diversity among the people who live across the United States and Canada, yet as Christians, we’re united by a common purpose—to reach our neighbors and beyond with the gospel.  That need has never been greater in North America.

During the month of March Crossroads Chapel will join Southern Baptist churches across America to receive offerings to support and grow missions to the United States and Canada.  Each Sunday during worship service a short video of missionaries serving in these area will be shown to give us a personal view of them and the work they are doing sharing the gospel at home in America and Canada.

There are 371 million people in North America speaking 350 languages and 281 million of them still need to hear the hope of the gospel.

Crossroads Chapel has set an offering goal of $400 but that is a starting point with every dollar received it will mean the missionaries will have their needs met and they can focus on the people that are lost without Jesus in their lives.

Worship Services

The Sunday Worship services begin at 10:00 AM for Sunday school or Bible study and worship services at 11:00 AM.  The evening services on Wed. night and game night are currently starting at 6:00 PM.  After Day Light Savings time begins on March 12 the evening services will begin at 7:00 PM.



18   Steve Brull

19   Kim Sivils

25   Pat Waters

25   Stephanie Robertson


4   Judy Holtsclaw

7   Ken Compton

9    Debi Sisk